Accessibility is synonymous with innovation: enhances the experience for all your users.

Ensuring the accessibility of your website is not only a legal obligation, but also a key step in providing an inclusive user experience for everyone. With our services, we help you make your site compliant with European regulations, accessible for people with disabilities, and easy to use for every visitor. 

200+ Sites made accessible

I Nostri Servizi
Soluzioni di Accessibilità Web per Tutti

In Accessibi, ci dedichiamo a creare esperienze digitali inclusive e accessibili a tutti, indipendentemente dalle abilità degli utenti. I nostri servizi personalizzati garantiscono che il tuo sito web sia conforme ai più alti standard di accessibilità, migliorando l’esperienza utente e rendendo i tuoi contenuti facilmente fruibili da tutti. Attraverso strumenti avanzati e consulenze specializzate, ti aiutiamo a eliminare le barriere digitali, contribuendo a un web più inclusivo e accessibile.

Accessibility Widget

Improve user experience now with our Accessibility Widget

Our Accessibility Widget is a simple and effective tool that allows users to customize the display of the site to suit their needs. With just a few clicks, they will be able to change contrast, increase text size, turn on content reading, and more. Not only does it ensure an optimal user experience, it is also a quick solution to immediately improve the accessibility of your site, making it compliant with current regulations.

Accessibility Audit

Discover your site's critical issues with an in-depth Accessibility Audit

Our Accessibility Audit provides you with a comprehensive and detailed analysis of your site's accessibility issues. Using WCAG international standards, our team identifies each area that requires improvement, from navigation to content enjoyment, through visual and interactive aspects. At the end of the audit, we provide you with a clear and detailed report with all the actions needed to make your site compliant and accessible to all.

Legal Statement

Ensure your site's compliance with our Legal Statement of Accessibility

The Legal Statement of Accessibility is an official document attesting to your company's commitment to ensuring fair and inclusive access to your digital content. After completing the audit and implementation process, our team will provide you with a statement that complies with European and international regulations, which is essential to avoid penalties and demonstrate your commitment to digital accessibility.

Making Files Accessible

Make your digital documents accessible and compliant with regulations

Do you have documents that need to be accessible to everyone? Our service allows you to ensure that PDF, Word, and other digital files meet accessibility standards. Our team will analyze your documents and optimize them so that they are usable for people with disabilities. No matter what the format, your files will become easily readable and navigable, ensuring that you provide a complete and accessible experience for every user.

Free Consultation

Start your path to accessibility with a Free Consultation

Not sure where to start? Our Free Consultation offers you the opportunity to get a clear overview of your site's accessibility situation. Our team of experts will analyze your site and provide you with customized recommendations to make your content accessible and compliant with current regulations. Take advantage of this opportunity to understand your site's needs and the steps needed to improve it, with no initial commitment.

An easy process for making your site accessible

Our system is designed to be simple and intuitive, ensuring quick integration without complex changes to your website. In just a few steps, you can make your site accessible to everyone, regardless of the platform or CMS you use.

Complete analysis of your site

We perform a thorough assessment to identify any accessibility issues, using standards such as WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Fast and customized implementation

Once we have identified areas for improvement, we implement technical solutions that allow your site to be fully compliant without requiring heavy programming interventions.

Continuous monitoring and updates

Regulations change, and with ACCESSIBI your site will always be up-to-date. Our automatic monitoring and updating system ensures that you remain compliant with new laws, without having to intervene manually each time.

Support and training

We won't leave you alone! Our team offers you ongoing technical support and advice to ensure that you and your team fully understand the importance of accessibility and how to maintain it over time.

Request your free consultation and make sure you are ready for the digital future!

The year 2025 is upon us, and with it comes the obligation to make your site accessible to all, as required by the European Accessibility Act. But don't wait until the last minute to comply: a free consultation with our team will help you understand exactly what you need to make your site compliant and competitive.

During the consultation, we will analyze your site, identify any accessibility issues, and guide you in choosing the easiest and quickest solutions to implement. Not only will you avoid penalties and legal problems, but you will offer your users a better experience, increasing visibility and traffic to your site.

Book your free consultation now and let our experts guide you to an inclusive and compliant digital future!

The Benefits of an Accessible Site

SEO improvement

Accessible sites tend to be better indexed by search engines, leading to better rankings and increased visibility.

Public expansion

Reach millions of users with disabilities who might not otherwise navigate your site. More accessibility means more potential customers.

Corporate reputation

An accessibility-compliant site demonstrates your company's commitment to inclusiveness and social responsibility.

Reduction of legal risk

Being compliant with the European Accessibility Act protects you from possible fines and penalties.

Frequently asked questions

Our team will take care of the entire integration process. We will provide you with full support, ensuring that the insertion of our code is quick and uncomplicated, allowing you to continue running your site without interruption.

Request your free consultation

Fill out the form to receive a personalized consultation and find out how we can help you make your website accessible and compliant with regulations. Our team of experts is ready to guide you step by step, offering solutions tailored to your needs